Seems a bit too long for a 4 year old. I have taught Pre-K and the attention span is not that long. If the in-laws are ok with it. Nice break for you. Don't know about the in-laws after the long 8 day trip.
Hi moms,
My in-laws would like to take our 4 yr old to Walt Disney World for a total of 8 days - 2 days for travel and 6 inside the park. My husband and I are not in agreement whether this will be too much for him to be away from us or not. Have any of ya'll done this successfully through in-laws or what are your opinions?
Seems a bit too long for a 4 year old. I have taught Pre-K and the attention span is not that long. If the in-laws are ok with it. Nice break for you. Don't know about the in-laws after the long 8 day trip.
That would be waaaay too long even for me! I could maybe handle 2 days in the park... but 6? That's insanity!
I say 2 days... maybe 3 days inside the park MAX. Being in the heat and sun and standing in line for rides, missing his parents would be so exhausting physically and it could end up being a nightmare for him by the end.
I agree with the other mom, you really only need to visit the 2 parks (Animal and Magic Kingdom) for his age range.
OMG! THAT IS WAY TOO LONG! First of all, I think 4 is a bit too young for Disney - Five is a bit better. But 8 days! That is INSANITY! I spent 6 days away from my son and bythe time I came home he was in melt down mode. Give it a year...or two!
I think it is too long. We were there for 6 full days and mine, 7 at the time, became a basket-case. I think part of the problem was the grandparents did not take time for her to rest. If the in-laws understand the capabilities of the 4 yr old it would probably work. If they don't, they will have one cranky kid on their hands.
Another vote for way too long. That is just way too much (both time away from family and time at Disneyworld) for that age. Half the time (i.e. 4 days) would likely be okay, but longer than that is just too, too much. We took our oldest when he was 5 and we spent about 5 days and that was more than enough for a child that age, with his family. Tell them you'll take a rain check and send him (along with his younger brother) when he's 10!
WAAYY TO LONG! I wouldn't even worry about him being away from home so long, but that is WAY too much time in the park for a child that age. I grew up an hour away from disney, and we visit regularly. For a child that age, 2-3 days in the park is absolutely exhausting! Not to mention, the poor grandparents will be completely burned out. Have them cut it to a 5 day trip. They'll enjoy it much more. For a child that age, the biggest thing to see is the Magic Kingdom, and maybe Animal Kingdom. No need for MGM or Epcot even. I would say 2 days at magic, and 1 at Animal. Other than that, have fun!
We did disneyworld for 8 days two summers ago! I had a 1 year old, A 2 YEAR OLD, A 5 YEAR OLD, AD A 6 YEAR OLD. They did just fine. We broght a double stroller for the little ones and took it slow. 6 days at the park should be plenty of time to take it slow.
p.s. buy the fodors book "doisneyworld with kids" it helped us alot!
My 5 1/2 year old just got back from 6 days at his grandpa's house. Now I know that's not the same as Disney World, and maybe the extra distractions would make a difference, but when we picked him up he said he didn't want to go back until he was 7. He said he missed us and his sister too much and it was too long.
Has your son been away from you before? Not stayed at home while you went away, but been away from home and you? If so, and he tolerated it well, he will probably be ok. If not, I would tend to think it's a little much for a 4 year old.
Yeah, I think it's too long, too. We're taking our soon-to-be 4 year old to Disney World next summer, but we will be going all as a family. I want to experience things with my son for the 1st time, so we are going as a family.
Well I do think that is a long time to be hopping around a huge park for that many days. I know my son (3 year old) and I included would be done after two days!
My husband and I drove out for a three day visit before we had the kids and could only muster up enough strenght for two! :)
We are planning a visit next year for about two days and are only going to Magic Kingdom. And we plan on flying too. Call me selfish but I like my sanity!
I guess some kids could do it. Does your little boy get tired/Fussy easy? I would base my decision on his history of how he's done in the past with outings and go from there.
Best regards,
I think that's too long. But every child is different. I'm thinking it would have been too long for ME to be away from my child.
Mine are older now and I didn't let them go away from us for a week till age 10. But maybe that's just me. I wanted them to be very capable of contacting me without anyone's help if they got lost or hurt or whatever crazy scenarios I imagined in my head.
Oh, yeah- way too long! They may think it sounds great now, but I'm sure that by the end of three days w/ him off schedule & keyed up, not sleeping well & walking all day, they'll be ripping their hair out! 2-3 days, max!
Hi S.,
We took our 3 1/2 year old to Disney this past May. We stayed 5 days at the parks and 2 days to fly. Our daughter LOVED it and yes she was thrown off schedule while we were gone and yes she was really tired each night but, it was totally worth it!!! When she got tired we just strolled her around in the stroller. Overall, she had a ball and is still talking about it. We took her to all 4 parks and a waterpark. There were all kinds of things going on at all times to keep her busy. I'm not so sure I would be quick to let her go with just my in-laws but, that is something you and your husband will have to decide. Personally, I would take any child of mine over the age of a year old to Disney. Good Luck with your decision!!!