I also struggled with infertility for 2 years. I have a normal, healthy 7 year old, so we couldn't figure out why we couldn't get pregant. I had an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, and after my operation to remove it, had to go on clomid twice, and when that didn't work, they did an ink test to see into my tubes, and discovered that one was completely blocked, meaning that I only ovulate every other month. Immediately after this ink test, I got pregnant. They say it sometimes helps because it can clear any debris out of the tubes. It worked for me. My doctor is a fertility specialist/ob/gyn, his name is Dr. David B. McAlpine in Fort worth. He is AWESOME!
I completely understand how irritating this whole experience can be! I feel your pain, and I wish you and your hubby the very best of luck!
My daughter is almost 5 months old now, and she couldn't be more beautiful, so don't lose hope, and try not to stress too much, it really does make it worse.