Christine - How long have you been trying the second time around? Fertility starts to decline pretty drastically as you head to 35. However, if your tests are normal, that's a good sign, but no guarantee. REs have a limited ability to determine fertility - tests are only indicators. All of my tests were fine, too, and it wasn't until I actually tried IUI and then went to IVF that we discovered that I had very few eggs and the ones that were left were likely very low quality. That's why the majority of infertility is described as unknown. Although we've come a long way, sometimes people just can't get pg and the docs can't explain it. I have been undergoing infertility treatments for 1.5 years, am now 44, and have seen many women your age find out that their fertility is just done. It was very surprising to me.
That's the bad news. The good news is that at 34, you can try IUIs, which are very simple, painless(no worse than a pap smear - I found them even less uncomfortable than a pap) and you will increase your chances of getting pg pretty dramatically. Don't worry about the meds - I know almost no one who used the meds and had problems - and I know hundreds of women who've gone through this from the last two years of being on multiple support groups. Any of the TOP QUALITY REs in the Chicago area would know the pros and cons of all the meds and would adjust your meds accordingly. I would at least try IUIs, they're no big deal and probably would work for you. Also, if you try IUIs and the doc gives you follicle stimulating meds - he can see how your body reacts - if you produce a few eggs great - if you don't he'll know you likely are starting to have decreased fertility. But at least it will be a way to find information out about what's going on with you.
If those don't work, the next step would be IVF and that is a big step - a lot more meds, shots and then egg retrieval. The good thing about IVF, if you're determined to have another child, is that the doctor can see how many eggs you produce and get to the eggs to see how they look. If they look healthy - great - if they look abnormal, again, that's a sign of waning fertility.
I would at least go for the IUI - really, they're no big deal. Also, what RE are you going to? I know all the best in the Chicago region. Before you select a doc to do fertility treatment with, you should check out, click on select a clinic and look at the stats for all the clinics in the Chicago area. These are for IVF and the stats are from 2006 (the latest year they're available), but they're a good indicator of how experienced clinics are and how successful. Some clinics have a much higher success rate than others and do many more procedures than other. You want to select a clinic that a) does a high number and b) has a high success rate. I'm with Fertility Centers of Illinois which does probably the highest number of fertility treatments in Illinois and has a very high success rate. This is how to look at it: if a clinic is doing a lot of IUIs/IVFs, they're more experienced and have a better chance of honing the process to get it right. If someone has a high success rate, but is only doing 20 a year, that doesn't say much.
Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. And do NOT listen to any responses that tell you just to keep trying on your own or just to try homeopathic remedies. There's a reason why the major fertility associations in the country recommend that anyone who has tried for a year and not gotten pg see a fertility specialist. Might it work on your own - it might - but as someone who has seen many, many women's fertility decline rapidly between early 30s and late 30s, you are at a critical juncture if you really want another child. The delay of one or two years could mean the difference between you having another child or not. I have seen many women on my support groups go from having normal fertility test numbers one year, to having pretty bad test results the next year. That being said, Toni Weschler's book is excellent and you should have a solid understanding of exactly how the body works and fertility works as you try to concieve. I also agree that you should be eating super healthy - cut out the drinking, too. I think acupuncture and all those nutritional things can only help - they can't hurt, but they should only be something at your age you do IN ADDITION to getting help from an RE. If you have declined fertility those things alone are not likely to work - you do need the help of a good RE and should follow his advice. I mean, if you have a low number of good eggs or low quality eggs, all the wheatgrass and acupuncture in the world won't change that - but a fertility treatment can help you get pg with the few remaining good eggs you have. You ARE very lucky to have a child.
44.4, now doing donor egg after finding out my own eggs are bad - had two miscarriages even with donor egg. Sigh.