Ideas on What to Make Dads for Fathers Day

Updated on April 28, 2010
D.B. asks from Warren, MI
8 answers

I have tons of ideas on projects my 5 yr old son can make the special "moms" in his life for mothers day....Any ideas on cute projects for the dads in his life..i.e. his dad, Gramps, Godfathers, uncles?? We're growing flowers for the moms (beyond simple, I know, but he LOVES to watch things grow) but I don't know of too many dads who would adore some home grown flowers.

Would love to hear your suggestions or ideas...

Thanks mommas!!!!!

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answers from Kalamazoo on

Last year my 4 yr old daughter and 6 yr old son made paperweights. I found rocks about the size of a baseball, but flatter. They painted them and glued on google eyes. On the bottom, I wrote with a sharpie marker, "Dad, you Rock!!" and childs name and date. He loved them and keeps them on his desk as a reminder of why he goes to work everyday.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Ask your son questions about dad, grampa etc and write down his answers exactly as he says them. (Question examples: What special name does daddy call you, What is daddy's favorite food, What does daddy do at work, What do you and daddy do together, etc.) You can be creative on the questions. Then go to a local craft store and you can buy a small wood frame (like would be for a photo). Have your son decorate the frame, by painting it, coloring it, covering it with stickers etc. Type up the questions and answers and put them in the frame. You have your gift, something unique, all about daddy and made (almost) entirely by you son. This is a treasured gift and something dad can keep on his desk, dresser or place of honor.

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answers from Chicago on

We love sports and family time in our house. So we go to a minor league baseball game every year (not ON Father's day but close to it to avoid crowds). Usually the minor league games allow you to sit in the grass near the outfield, let the kids run around and have a lot of games, activities, etc to entertain the whole family. Plus they are SOOO much cheaper than pro games and the food lines and bathrooms are very manageable.

That being said, why don't you go online, pick a date and have your son make "tickets" for the men in the family. He can make the tickets and you can use crinkle scissors or something like that to cut each one out so it has a decorative edge on it. I'd email the women to give them a heads up on where and when to buy the tickets for the game you select. Then your son can mail out his tickets to "invite" the men to a family Father's Day celebration.

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answers from San Francisco on

Walmart has some mug sets/bird feeders/step stones that children can paint and decorate. I had my two sons make them last year and I know my hubby loved them more than had we bought him something.

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answers from Detroit on

what about some of those kits you find at Michael's or JoAnn's to make birdhouses, or little toolboxes, stuff like that...they're usually already put together, but then the child needs to paint them themselves. I'm sure if you walked through the craft stores you would find a ton of little ideas :)
have fun!



answers from Denver on

I love Denise D's answer. My son was about 15 months on his daddy's second Father's Day and I took him to one of those paint your own ceramics places. I helped him put his little hand prints on a bowl and a mug, and my husband loves those things.

Have fun.



answers from Detroit on

I would get a wooden box thycan make a jewelry box for the men decorate it and clear coat it or tool box. Or you could get a t-shirt from micheals and have them put ther hand prints and name on them and give those, or have them draw a picture on it.



answers from Detroit on

You can make a holder for little things like nails and bolts. Take a piece of wood and glue/nail the lids to jars on the bottom. Baby food jars are great, but may be hard to get - maybe even use spice jars? Then, Dad can fill the jars with stuff and screw onto the lids that are on the wooden board.

Another idea is to have your child plant a tree, like a pear or cherry. Then, the child can watch "His and Daddy's" tree bloom and grow bigger each year.

Another idea is a "coupon book" - have your son make coupons for things like.... Wash your Car, Go for a Walk with You, Shine your Shoes, etc...

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