I nursed my daughter until she was 3 1/2, and she was hugely dependent on me for falling asleep until my husband assisted with establishng a new routine when we moved to a new home and she finally had a bedroom of her own, a year ago, at age 4 1/2. For me, having him establish new routine was critical. For us, it helped to explain to her that we're teaching her a new important skill she'll have for life. Basically, it goes like this: If she's got her teeth brushed, jammies on and in bed before 8, she can have a book read to her. Then, prayers and dad tucks her in, with light left on (she insisted on this), and in just a few minutes dad comes to check on her, gives her a kiss. He will keep coming every few minutes until she's asleep. She's free to get up to go to the bathroom if needed; we'll re-tuck her in if so. The frequent loving checks as she's dropping off to sleep give her a very secure feeling. We now take turns doing "the tucks" and alternate on the "checks" (her choice who goes first and frequency), first 2 checks by mom, then next 2 by dad, and so on. In the beginning she'd set up a schedule of "checks" up through 10 checks per parent. THat gave her a feeling of control. She's usually asleep by the 3rd check. Lately she asks us to set a timer for 1-2 minutes between checks (we usually add a minute to her request.) Some nights when she's restless it helps to give her foot or leg massages just before the tuck. Hope this helps!