This is going to sound like a lecture, but I'm not shaking a finger at you.
Make sure you're not thinking of going back to a paying job to run away from the frustrations of your non-paying one. Your family, especially your children, WILL sense it and react accordingly.
In your post I'm hearing a "grass is greener" tone about that career position. Maybe it would indeed be terrific and you'd be successful at it. But you know what they say about grass; if yours isn't as green, water it. The question is how.
Find out how to fix the problems where you are. They're not unusual problems. Children need to be taught a work ethic as well as work habits... and, like employees, they will not do as much what the boss expects as what the boss inspects. Learning living skills, and learning to work as a family team, is their job. How you feel about them as they learn/not learn is not their problem; it's yours.
One of the principal challenges of being an SAHM is cabin fever/loneliness. But you have to take care of that yourself. Why are you bored? What is lacking specifically? If it's human contact, are there other options for acquiring it? I'm not saying to ditch the going-back-to-work idea; I'm saying to consider ALL the options you have.
If you feel dumped on at home, that is your problem, not your family's. Only you can make you happy. You could have perfect, obedient children and still be unhappy. It's up to you. Your husband may feel underappreciated right now, too. Your children may feel that way. You don't say how old your children are, but if they're teenagers you can count on their feeling underappreciated! It goes with the territory.
These are just things for you to think about. I'm writing from a perspective of having been a young-ish mother in the '70s and '80s, when women were instructed that homemaking was stultifying and every woman owed it to herself to be a real person... which came ONLY by acquiring money and career status. I was the oddball (very odd) - for a while, practically the only oddball I knew - for sticking at home. I know the struggles of being an SAHM, and I also saw the results of women who thought the grass was greener away from their family and found out the green was only painted on.
Thus the seeming lecture! Just take your time - don't jump - think everything through long-term. And don't be angry if you get other strong feelings from people who respond to your post.