People's idea of what "having it all" means will differ. But, when I found out we were expecting - I knew that things had to change. I grew up with a SAHM - being able to come home and share my day with her was great! And I wanted that for my kids.
Originally, we couldn't figure out how to make things work - so I still worked, but had Wednesdays off to be home with her. When we got a new boss and he said my flex schedule had to end, I told him to go pound sand - and left.
I worked temp jobs and part time here and there, but it was super important to me to be home. When we found out #2 was on the way, it suddenly dawned on us that because I wanted to be there all I could work was part time - and that would only just cover the daycare needed for me to work....put that way, it seemed beyond silly.
Don't get me wrong, there are some days where I shake my head and question why we had kids - but my opinion is that people who believe being a SAHM is a waste have no real clue what they're talking about. I know there are some who have to work - financially and/or mentally. But, I love being here to see and hear every little, silly thing! My #2 has a "pretend friend" named Barbie and one named Diego. Not original, I know - but Barbie has slapped #2 down and Diego has been known to steal chips!
And your quote of the day is great - I can't tell you the number of "pretend friends" I've fed and scolded and loved. And I can't tell you how happy I am to have done it all. But it DOES get a little strange when you're talking to someone and they hear you getting after the pretend friend - I automatically include them in everything. "Kaitlyn, tell Barbie and Diego it's quiet time and come upstairs, please"