I would contact them right away. I would probably also bathe the cat, and see if any of it can be removed.
I accidently put the wrong Advantage on my kitty. I put the one for my large dog on my little kitty. Is this going to make her sick? We are going back to the vet in the morning. Do I need to contact them before that??
Thank you for your replies. I called an emergency vet office and they had me give her bath with mild soap. They told us to keep an eye on her. If she starts to have tremors or foaming at the mouth, we need to take her in ASAP. So far she seems to be doing fine!
I would contact them right away. I would probably also bathe the cat, and see if any of it can be removed.
Ditto both posts below. Call 800 number or vet immediately just to be safe!
Advantage for dogs is toxic for cats - bathe her immediately to get it off of her and get her to a vet NOW!
As long as it was Advantage and not Advantage II or Advantix, you gave her the same strength drug, just too much of it. Bathe her to remove as much as possible before she absorbs it, and wait a week or so to reapply.
Look at the box - there's probably an 800 number you can call. They can advise you!!
Hope kitty is ok!!