I can bet you are not alone in this kind of situation. Don't be hard on yourself.
You have a lot of responses and I admit I haven't read them all. First, I would suggest taking what your mom thinks about what happened last night at the game with a "grain of salt." That is one event that she has been so involved (not like coming to watch and sitting in the stands) ... anyway, I think she overreacted!
Second, I have two sons with Asperger's and, believe me, they are almost as different as night and day. I very much like the response from Krista P. Getting documentation from the school before this school year ends is pretty important, even if it is "hey, we did this eval and that one and got these results and observed x, y, and z behaviors..."
I would add that you need to ask your pediatrician, I mean insist, for a referral to a Child Psychiatrist. My pediatrician is very understanding and gets it when a mother like me says "I really need this checked out by a specialist" and I know that many pediatricians are not all like that. What you can expect is a folder full of paperwork and some answers from a specialist who can explain it all at _your_ level of understanding.
Good luck and go stand up for your child and his [emotional etc] health!