Does it plug into a projector somehow?
I teach college and put all my overheads on Google Drive, but I pull them up through the internet on the classroom computer
My department chair just sent me an email telling me to come pick up my new I-Pad. Of course I'm very excited, but I have no idea where to start. How will this help me with my job? Does anyone know a good website where I can look for ideas? Or some good apps that might be useful?
Does it plug into a projector somehow?
I teach college and put all my overheads on Google Drive, but I pull them up through the internet on the classroom computer
Go to your local Apple store.
Sign up for a class.
Or they also will work one-on-one with you.
The BEST way to learn it, is hands on, with a person there with you.
And/or, get a book on it. Too.
There is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many things, to know about it and learn about it.
Simply having "us" tell you, is only scratching the surface.
GO to your local Apple store, and sign up... for a class.
They do this all the time. It is free.
Even many elderly iPad users, do this.
The classes in my town, are very popular and good.
We won't know how it will help you with your job.
We don't know what your job is or how your office is or what your job requirements are.
But, being this is an Employer provided iPad... it has to be used for work. Not loaded up with personal, things.
Remember, they can take it back anytime and/or see what you have on it.
Here's a few apps that may be of interest: free graphing calculator,
Pocket cloud-which allows you to remote into your work computer (if allowed), Dropbox-move work files online or google drive, some teachers that I know use schoology and/or edmodo as a class management system. Good luck!
AppAdvice is a great place for free or discounted new Apps and advice about them daily. Get the App for it at the apple store. It has a little show about them, kind of like Daytime in No Time.
I have young children so many of the apps I have wouldn't be of interest to you. I DO use the educreations app with our third grader and have recommended it to a friend that tutors. You can draw out a lesson to be played back.
You can download user guides in the library as well that may help guide you.