Congrats! Early pregnancy can be tough in terms of nausea and exhaustion, and it's harder for all moms when they have a toddler to chase. You can try to introduce your daughter to some calming activities to see if she responds, and if you can try to nap if/when she naps, that's good. Cut back your expectations for a clean house or other chores so you aren't tempted to try to do things at the same level as before. For energy, consider the wonderful nutritional products from Reliv - they are completely safe for pregnant and nursing moms, a phenomenal prenatal, and they can help you get all the nutrition you need especially if you aren't eating normally. My doctor is thrilled with how I've reacted to Reliv - she says it's safe and she's reduced my medication because I don't need it anymore. I'm not pregnant or nursing, but my friend also got the okay from her OB/GYN and used Reliv as a pre-natal, and gave birth to the healthiest baby who even lifted her head on her first day of life. When she was born, the doctor said, "Wow, here's your two month old!" There's also a kids product, so you know everything is safe. Most people find they get another hour, two or three of productive time from the boost to their immune system - but the products are FOOD, not drugs, and there are no stimulants or caffeine or anything like that. I can give you more info if you like, either by email, by phone, or by taking you through a quick 15 minute "tour" of the website. There's a lot of material on the website, including specialized products you won't need (for certain health issues that you may not have), so a guided tour is the most efficient way. The products are patented, and the company has been featured in many business magazines as highly ethical and well-run. I'd love to share more info with you.