Good evening
Technically, your period isn't late, it's that your cycle IS and will continue to change until Menopause.
I am 49 and have experienced many of the symptoms that you are experiencing.. There's a great book called by Elizabeth Vliet.. Called, Screaming to be heard... check it out..
In it, it discusses how as our hormones change , we experience things such as anxiety , depression, hot flashes.. etc etc.. I never considered myself someone who suffered from anxiety and or Claustrophobia, but once I started Perimenopause, both hit me and hit me hard..
For me, it was the sudden and with the first BIG initial drop in Estrogen, it caused me to feel more anxious. This happens in part because Estrogen is what controls cortisol (the stress hormone) and when Estrogen is LOW..... then cortisol levels can run amuck........ and IF you are already experiencing stress from let's say a tough job or whatever the case, the low estrogen level can make your stress even worse... hence, you may experience anxiety attacks..
What bugs me is that western medicine would rather give women a pill BEFORE even testing their hormone levels.... This to me is crazy...
Now, at 49... here's what I have done to help alleviate some of my symptoms which included, anxiety, moodiness, claustrophobia, over-eating, insomnia... the list goes on.. First, I got that book I mentioned above...and once I started to learn for myself what exactly was going on in my body, it helped because I knew I wasn't imaging all this..
two.... I chart my cycle every month.. this way, I have a better idea of what exactly is going on with me each month. the chart includes, my period, moods and feelings... this way, I get a good sense of how my hormones are affecting me.. example.. right before your period, your Estrogen drops to its lowest.. well no wonder I tend to feel down at that time each month...
it's knowledge like this that helps me to properly adjust my diet and exercise..
also... I do try to lay off excess caffeine and or alcohol.. for me, they make my symptoms WORSE.... this includes too much sugar.. I also meditate and this helps calm my nerves.. for the over-eating. I now attend am OA 12 step program..
Since learning more about my body and hormones, life has been so much BETTER.... knowledge is truly power... and empowering...
I think if you could check out that book, review your nutrition and cut out anything that might not be working for you and add in meditation, this alone could help....
your cycle is going to keep changing.. so don't let that bother you too much. .however, once you learn more as to why it's happening.. I truly think you will have more peace of mind..
keep us posted..
I wish you all the best