I had a hysterectomy at 40 and it was the best thing I ever did.
I opted for everything to come out and to go on HRT. I've have NO bad side effects at all. Never had weight gain, never had swelly belly and my sex drive skyrocketed because I knew I would never have an oopsie!
My surgery was a complete abdominal, bikini line incision that is now barely visable and not visible when I wear a bikini. I wear the HRT patch which is not visible as well.
Youll get reviews pro and con regarding keeping or taking ovaries. According to my Dr and my research, ovarian cancer is much harder to detect and survive vs the chances of breast cancer which is easier to detect and survive.
I go a lot of info (and TMI) from www.hystersisters.com
The worst part for me was the wait until surgery day. I was not allowed to drive for 2 weeks, sucks... but other than that, my recovery was fantastic.
I went into surgery in good physical shape and a good attitude and I think that makes a world of difference with recovery. Some people love the extra attention and woe is me and will use all 6 weeks in bed recovering but I am not that type. I was at a track meet at 3 weeks and regular routine (just not as intense) within 3 weeks.
PM if you have any questions. I am SO glad I opted for my surgery. I've never, looked or felt better in my life!