You have gotten so many wonderful responses, but I just had to add mine too. I have 3 beautiful girls, and I had the same nagging feeling that you have had, I would do the same thing, look for another child, or miscount, counting to 4 vs.3. Anyways, my husband said he was done, that he could not handle another child, however, he would not schedule a vasectomy. So, one day I casually said, honey I would rather be married than have a 4th child, so if you really are done, please get your vasectomy scheduled. He then said, but I want you to be happy and I know having a 4th child would make you happy. I then said, let's just table this discussion, and wait a few years and decide. I never put any pressure on, I just prayed about it and asked that if it was meant to be, we would not have to decide, it would just happen, and if it wasn't meant to be it wouldn't. Well, I am pregnant with our 4th and we did not have to decide it was decided for us, and both of us are happy. My husband has been really protective with me during this pregnancy, I don't know if it is maturity, because we are both approaching 35, but it has been really nice. So, with all of that said, it will happen if it is meant to be, but you do need to have the discussion with your husband and consider both of your feelings. Good Luck!