I too am in this situation. I sometimes send love Letters with lipstick kisses and scented lotion or perfume on them. I like to send homemade coupons or vouchers on holidays (IOU's for valentines and birthdays). I sent photos of me dressed up in costumes (french maid, cave woman, princess, etc, his favorite outfit, gowns that are sexy but not too revealing, Photo Shots of my back and shoulders from behind, shots of my legs crossed and propped up sitting in a chair (thigh down to toes wearing heels, nice shoes, thigh high stockings, or feet with toes painted). Take your best feature and work with it! You might think about sending a mini cassette tape & recorder with sweet nothings whispered to him in a care package. You can send him stories with fill in the blank options incorporated throughout. Or start a story and leave the ending to his imagination. You might write about experiences you have had or experiences you might like to have when he comes home. You could send an article of clothing scented with your favorite lotion, perfume, body spray (hairbow, lingere, garter, a piece of lace,etc - something he can put in his pocket or pilllow case). Wrap yourself in a sexy shawl/robe/gown and take your photo from the mirror (sit in front of a mirror and point the camera at the mirror with you in view, crop the camera out later). Make a scrapbook page/collage of different photos of you that look good with sexy or romantic comments added as captions. Take different shots or body parts all dressed up or in a sexy pose and send them one at a time on the mail every three days (hand with painted nails, then send a shot or an eye, a leg, a high heeled shoe, a shoulder, a back, etc. and drive him crazy to see if he what is next and if he can piece them together and guess where they go. It will more than double the usual mail rather than sending a single photo. Do this with three different outfits/shoes/hairstyle, and mix them up. The possibilities are endless. God Bless and stay strong, deployment are some of the roughest times, and everything you can do to stay connected is important.