How Much Hamburger??

Updated on September 16, 2011
S.T. asks from Sioux Falls, SD
11 answers

I am having a birthday party on sunday and with friends and family the total is like 50 people coming! so how many pounds of hamburger do i need to buy to make sloppy joes??? thanks for your help

*update* I don't use manwich. my mom makes it from scratch...ketchup, mustard, brown sugar, other stuff she won't tell me lol

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answers from Des Moines on

It depends on what all else they have to eat. You can probably make do with 12-13 pounds IF there are a lot of other things to eat and you put out smaller buns. BUT leftover sloppy joes freeze GREAT, and one of my favorite things to eat in the world is pizza made with leftover sloppy joes, onions, green peppers, mushrooms and co-jack, so I'd round up and get two of the 10 pound tubes of ground beef, Plus one of those 10 pound tubes of ground beef fits PERFECTLY in my crock pot so I'd use it (and borrow my step-mom's crock pot that's just like it) and make and serve the sloppy joes in them.

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answers from La Crosse on

I think the common theory is a 1/2 lb per person. Not sure if its the same for sloppy joes.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Well, you'd need 12.5 lbs to make everyone a quarter-pound burger.....I get about 6 sloppy joes from a pond of beef and a can of Manwich......O. sandwich each? About 8.5 lbs...

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answers from Bismarck on

I also like to make 'your mom's recipe' for guests ! Always a hit ! I'd consider how large your serving containers are; if you are going with the ten pounds as others have mentioned, ensure you have 2 -3 crock pots or a large electric warmer (what the heck are they called, it's escaping me right now) - and absolutely freeze off the remainder. Have fun !



answers from Savannah on

I don't know how many ounces the cans of Manwich have, or what the serving size difference is. But I DO know that one normal size can (not the large, but the it 10 oz? 14.5 oz?) with 1 pound of meat is 6 sandwiches.
1 can (and 1lb beef) = 6 sandwiches
9 cans (and 9lb beef) = 54 sandwiches

They do sell large cans of Manwich, but I don't know how many sandwiches you make out of it since I've never needed to check the ounces or servings (just me and my 3 guys here, so the little can does us fine, with leftovers). But that's the basic math: 8 cans and pounds would yield about 48 sandwiches (8x6 servings/pound and can), and 9 cans and pounds would yield about 54 (9x6). To be safe, boil some potatoes and then slice them up, fry them for home fries, and that will stretch the food out for not much more money.



answers from Chicago on

hmmmm.... i'm going to math this up!!!!

The back of the manwich can in the nutritional info says that 1 serving of sauce is 1/4 cup and there are 7 servings in each can.
Directions state to use 1 pound of ground beef per can.

That means you use 1 pound of ground beef for 7 manwich 'sloppy joes'.

50 guests / 7 servings per can = 7.14 cans needed (round up to 8).
So you only need 8 cans of mix and therefore 8 pounds of hamburger!!!!!!!

However, I would probably get 10 or 12 pounds - sloppy joe mix freezes GREAT so you can freeze it in ziploc bags either individual servings or enough for your family for one meal and it will make it super easy to unthaw later!



answers from Tallahassee on

I would go with 1/4 lb. per person. Some will probably eat more and some will probably eat less. You should be good with 12 1/2 lbs.



answers from Minneapolis on

I would buy 10 pounds also. I make mine with ground beef, tomato SOUP, ketchup, a little mustard, and a little brown sugar. Tasty yet plain enough for picky eaters. Have fun!



answers from Oklahoma City on

If you look up Taste of Home recipes and look up food for a crowd you'll find plenty of recipes for food for large groups.

I love the magazine and I always love the food I make when using them.



answers from Cincinnati on

1 pd is 4-6 sanwiches. you usually should plan on each person having two (just to be on the safe side) We call it firehouse BBQ around here when you make it from scratch, and I know that it freezes really well if you have alot of leftovers



answers from Madison on

I would do 10 lbs just to be safe - you can always freeze the leftovers or make into a casserole or something (see recipes below) Extra buns can be frozen, too.

My mom and I make our BBQ sauce from scratch too, always have. There have been many variations, however, a friend recommended the easiest (and my dad says yummiest) recipe - just brown sugar, ketchup and Louisiana hot sauce to taste. Yup, you HAVE to taste it! =)

Casserole: a bag of cooked egg noodles, can cheddar cheese soup & mozza chs on top - bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes

BBQ Boats: can of biscuits - mold two together into the bottom of each mini loaf pan (you can also do one per 8-muffin tin), scoop BBQ into each then top w/ cheddar cheese and bake at 350 until biscuits rise and brown.

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