I know exactly what you're going through. I, myself, have a 17 year old daughter and a 16 year old son. I believe you can never be too strict, nowadays. I, like you, have only allowed mt kids to attend chaperoned school functions, a few birthday parties, and school dances.
Of course your daughter will grumble and complain... that's what teenagers do. I suggest you use the standard answer I use with my kids. "I care very much about what happens to you. I need to know that you are safe when you are away from me. You can be mad at me if you want, but that's just the way it is."
Always remind yourself and your daughter in these instances that...
if other parents cared as much about their kids as you do her... then they wouldn't be letting them run to and fro like they do.
One day she will be in your shoes and she will remember and see your side of things.
One last thing... I know it's hard to loosen the apron strings as they get older. We so much want to keep them our babies. But you have to bite your tongue sometimes, say a little prayer, follow your instincts... and let them stretch those wings. Just always make sure you have a phone number where they can be reached and know who they are with.
Keep the faith... you are handling things right. Don't worry.