When my daughter was young, she is 30 now. Anyhow, she had frequent nose bleeds at night. She would scream Mama and I would stop in the bathroom and get a cold wet washcloth, clean her up and change her pillow. After about 6 or 7 new pillows her doctor finally cauterized the blood vessels in her nose and she has not had a nosebleed since she was 6 years old. She has always had a lot of sinus problems and seasonal allergies, had them when she was a baby and still has them, so do her 2 daughters. The doctor said the bleeds were from her sniffing and blowing her nose so often.
Hope you can get something done for your child. She should not be having so many nosebleeds. There is something other than congestion going on. Be aggressive with the doctor, ask to be referred to an Ear Nose and Throat specialist.
Something can be done. Just don't accept congestion being the cause.
I will remember you and your child in my Prayers and hope you find a solution very soon.