Something like this is hard when you have children. Believe me, when I started dating my fiancee it was totally unexpected. I didn't date or anything like that. Granted with me it was only 6 months that I had stopped dating after my relationship of 7 years came apart and my 3 year old boy was only 2-3 months old at the time we split. I didn't date anyone, I didn't go out with my friends though they did come over to the house because they understood my situation and felt that I didn't always need to be alone even if I did have my kids there with me. I thought I would think about my kids and my own security and stability before I even thought of bringing anyone into our lives. St Patrick's Day of 2005 a friend of mine called to wish me a Happy St. Patrick's Day (he was half Irish so his family was hardcore on celebrating :D ) but he got on said "Happy St. Patrick's Day, here talk to Burt". I was dumbfounded, no warning or anything. That is who I am with today and have my youngest child with. Little did I know that when I answered that phone that my friends were planning behind my back trying to find someone for me that would treat me with respect, honesty and love that I wasn't getting in my last relationship. Our first two phone calls lasted 13 and 14 hours each! (Happens that the kid's Dad had them for St. Patrick's Day weekend so I was able to pull that off - LOL) Not saying that this is what is going on for you or that this is how it should go, but when it is time for you to date and time for you to have a man in your life you will know. Whether it happens the same way that it did for me or maybe you will run into him at work, you'll know when it is time. :D