I swear by vinegar!!! I mix up a bottle of it and use it on EVERYTHING! It cuts grease and cooked on foods on my stove wonderfully- leaves no streaks! I use it on my counters (do NOT use on real granite) and in my microwave- does not leave streaks! I use it to clean my mirrors in my bath and my windows and never any streaks! I also put it in my dishwater if I have baked on stuff in there to help... I do not have a dishwasher so this helps make my job easier! I also use it on my floors everywhere... even my hardwood (I spray it on and wipe it up with a damp mop)- no streaks!
I used to NEVER clean because of the chemical smells and my allergies.... my hubby had to do the cleaning! Unfortunately I found out about vinegar and now I have no excuses but the GREAT thing is my house sparkles just like my grandparents did!
It is cheap, non-toxic and easy to use!
Good luck and blessings to you and yours!