Here is some info on Herpes - Herpes simplex 1 (VERY COMMON, MOST PEOPLE HAVE IT). Kids can get it from getting a kiss from their Aunt, Grandma - anyone w/an active coldsore.
Simplex 2 - you shouldn't have to worry about this one.
What's a Cold Sore?
Cold sores, which are small and somewhat painful blisters that usually show up on or around a person's lips, are caused by the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1). But they don't just show up on the lips. They can sometimes be inside the mouth, on the face, or even inside or on the nose. These places are the most common, but sores can appear anywhere on the body, including the genital area.
Genital herpes isn't typically caused by HSV-1; it's caused by another type of the herpes simplex virus called herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) and is spread by sexual contact. But even though HSV-1 typically causes sores around the mouth and HSV-2 causes genital sores, these viruses can cause sores in either place.