Has Anyone Used Mom Bucks Reward System?

Updated on July 02, 2012
B.D. asks from Augusta, GA
4 answers

My 7 yr old son is the most defiant child i have ever seen. He will tell me no in a heartbeat. He pretty much has control of everyithing including what he eats. If he doesnt want to eat it or supposedly doesnt like it he will make his self sick and vommit. Punishments tried in the past will not work stickers charts timeouts spankings, taking stuff away..nothing has worked.i found this idea of mom bucks from the movie diary of a wimpy kid. It would focus more on the positive than the negative but the bad behavior is not forgotten with mom bucks will explain in a second. So here is how our mom bucks work. When he does a chore he gets a mom buck if he does it without being told he will get 2 mom bucks. Im not sure on how many i should give him per chore im still in trial and error stage with that i dont want to give him to many but dont want to give him to few either. He can use his mom bucks for friends coming over, visit friends, go somewhere special skatepark putt putt chuckecheese, etc, sleepover and video game/computer time(1 hr limit on that) prices range from 10-30 mom bucks of course and the more expensive is the outdoor family trips (planned/scheduled) has anyone tried mom bucks? How does your family mom bucks work? Does it work for your family? What are the chores done and what privellages are awarded how much to earn each privellage? I didnt want to do monetary because of our situation because i might not always have it to give it to him. He can sometimes cash them in for a toy but only when i allow it every now and then. We have been doing it a couple od days and he has earned some mom bucks but he doesnt want to do the chores. Also if he misbehaves i take away a mom buck. I am trying to tweak our mom bucks system to work best for our family. The video games/computer time is 1 mom bucks=5 mins of video game/computer time not to exceed 1 hr between the two activities. Thanks in advance for all the help and comments.

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answers from Atlanta on

This is a great, free, web site that your son might really like:


You can customize the chores, points, rewards, etc. to your lifestyle.

Good luck :)



answers from Minneapolis on

My sons 2nd grade teacher did this for her whole class as a whole not each kid. If they had enough at the end of the week, they got to do something fun on Friday afternoon. I thought it was a great idea. Also she changed the name to John bucks since Johnson was her last name.



answers from Honolulu on

I have a friend that did something very similar.
But she has 3 kids. And after awhile, it was just too hard... keeping track of every detail/behavior/tally/amount/timing/when/what/where, everyday.
So she has since abandoned, that method.
And well, her kids got desensitized to it. Which is what can happen, often times.

If your kid is that defiant and incongruous... then perhaps get him some real professional help.
Is he this way at school or anywhere else??? If not... if he is ONLY this way at home... then that means, that he CAN control it and can control himself and his impulses.
So think about that.

But if he is this defiant in general, even at school, then perhaps get him assessed?



answers from Seattle on

This sounds like a great idea. However, I would hope you would not have him use his mom bucks on trips or outings the entire family is going on unless it was solely his idea for the trip.

I do something similar with my 8 year old however it is her actual allowance. I've found it works pretty well but at the same time she doesn't fully understand the concept of her having her own money......until she wants a special treat that we won't buy. Also, my daughter does not earn a certain amount per chore but rather at the end of the week if all chores are done and her behavior has been good she gets an allowance. $3 is her typical amount but she has made more by doing extra and having excellent behavior. Needless to say she currently has over $50 spending money which she has accumulated in a relatively short amount of time.

This has helped her to think before she acts or realize there are other consequences aside from all the aforementioned above, however at only 8 years old she messes up as all kids do. This can work for you if your son views earning mom bucks and spending time on all the aforementioned activities as his currency.

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