I believe Adipex is the brand name for phentermine, which I take. Just a few words of encouragement: the first few days might take some adjusting. Keep in touch with your doctor if you have concerns or questions.
You will CRAVE water (dry mouth) which is a good thing. When you stop drinking a high water intake, you will see the weight loss STOP.
In may take 3-4 weeks to notice any difference at first. But then the weight is GONE in the blink of an eye. (It's like it all disappears at once). This was true with me. And my sister-in-law started phentermine two months ago and was discouraged at first. I told her this same thing. And between weeks 5-9, she lost 25 pounds.
Phentermine also gives me energy, but without that "creepy crawly" feeling; the one when it feels like bugs are crawling over your head.
All in all, I really am pleased with phentermine. I wish you much luck with Adipex. Please email me directly if you have any other questions. And I can also put you in touch with my sis-in-law if you want.
Good luck!!!
(email at ____@____.com)