Hair Product Question

Updated on May 18, 2011
B.C. asks from Carterville, MO
4 answers

We love the Regis brand tea tree shampoo, but I am not in love with the price. I am so good about just using a dime size amount on my short hair, I hope my teenage son is pretty responsible using it ( but you never know) and my 10 year old daughter also uses it ( nothing works as well as the tea tree for her skin condition and her scalp )
Is there anything we could be using that is on par with this tea tree shampoo that is more reasonably priced? I am pretty sure there is a Sally's Beauty Supply in Joplin, it is not that far. Just wondered if anyone had any suggestions before I went out of my way.
We love the smell of the tea tree, the way it makes the scalp tingle, and no other shampoo seems to make our hair seem as clean.
Thanks in advance for suggestions = )

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answers from Houston on

Paul Mitchell and meleluca both have a great Tea Tree shampoos, though they may be even more expensive.

I'm a hairsytlist and I agree, I love using tea tree. I would maybe get something less expensive for your son, like the Sally's brand. There are actually a lot of tea tree shampoos around the $5 range. Go to an Ulta or Sephora and you will find a lot. Sally's usually have Paul Mitchell generic brands.


answers from Los Angeles on

Not sure if you have Trader Joe's stores in your neck of the woods but they have their own Tea Tree shampoo and it's quite nice. It's supposedly made by a major hair product manufacturer. We use it; very moderately priced.



answers from Dallas on

I'm not sure how much your Regis brand is but Target has their Giovanni Tea Tree Triple Treat Shampoo in an 8.5 oz bottle for 7.99. May be worth a shot.



answers from Philadelphia on

I wonder if it would work to just put a few drops of real tea tree oil in any shampoo?

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