Well, I can't help you with a Family Law Lawyer, however were you given a reason as to why they were granted custody or was it first come first serve so to speak. I would expect (should my sister not get immediate custody as I would request) that his parents would have instant custody should something to that effect happen. One thing your daughter could do to prevent that (my sisters and I have done this) is get a contract signed in the presence of a lawyer or notary public stating that in a custody issue you get custody pending legal battles. So should something happen to both of us my sister has legal custody until the courts decide who gets my son, and I have requested that permanent custody is granted to my sister. This will hold up to an extent, simmiar to a living will. I wish you all the luck in this situation and I hope that it all works out as to what is best for the situation. Please remember that being bounced from home to home is very difficult on a child and not knowing your relationship with your daughters in-laws I pray that you choose to ONLY speak of them in a positive manner while your grandbaby is present. And keep in mind that if their home is just as safe you may be out of luck, however you are welcome to visitation.