G.I. Joe Movie

Updated on August 10, 2009
M.H. asks from Plano, TX
15 answers

Hello moms,

Have any of you taken your kids to see the G.I. Joe movie? I know it is PG-13 but wanted to see if you thought it appropriate for a 7 year old boy and if not, why?


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So What Happened?

My husband took my 7 year old and he loved it and wants to see it again. My husband said that there a couple of spots where he (my husband) covered my son's eyes. Obviously there was fighting but no gorey (sp?) stuff. Thanks for all the respones.

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answers from Dallas on

Yes I took my six year old and he loved it. I do not remember any swearing and their is no sex - some very light kissing but nothing i had to cover his eyes for. All action - very clear who is good guy and who is bad guy. I liked it too.

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answers from Dallas on

I haven't seen it, but you can go to http://www.kids-in-mind.com/ or http://www.pluggedinonline.com/ and get the low down on the rating. They usually have a section on violence, drinking/drugs, sexuality, language & spirituality and it will tell you exactly what to watch for. For instance, it may say a "boy gets knocked in the head with board but is ok". You'll see if you check out the websites. I use them pretty much for any PG movie before I take my kids to see it to see if there are things I need to be aware of. Sometimes, they mention it and I don't even catch it in the movie, but at least I'm aware in case I need to talk to my kids about it.

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answers from Dallas on

Check out pluggedinonline.com. Great information about movie content.

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answers from Dallas on

Haven't seen it, but a google search for 'family movie review' got several hits. http://parentpreviews.com/movie_reviews/g-i-joe-the-rise-...
I'm sure 'parent movie review' should get you more. Maybe G force movie and explanation that sometimes companies make something look so cool an ok for kids. ..when it's not. My husband and I used to joke if it's on the Burger King kid meal it's probably not appropriate-until It seemed other chains lacked any parental mojo, too.

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answers from Dallas on

My husband just watched it yesterday and was glad he didn't take out 7 and 10yr old. I found this website that tells you EVERYTHING about the show/movie. Every cus word, anything negative, positive, spiritual, sexual, etc. It is the best website. http://www.pluggedinonline.com/ you can also check out music on this site.

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answers from Dallas on

Go to dove.ORG. It will give you every piece of information you need to determine this. It is a GREAT resource!

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answers from Dallas on

I have not seen the movie but will give my general feelings. Movies are given a rating for a reason. And in general, I feel that the rating system is too lax if anything; I read an article in a parenting magazine last year and it was unbelievable the amount of cursing, nudity, and adult themes were allowed in PG and PG-13 movies. My son is 4 1/2 and I would not even consider anything over PG for him; even the PG movies are debatable sometimes. I know that there is a big difference in maturity between 4 and 7, but the rating is PG-13 and your son is barely half the age. I'm not going to say that my kids will never see anything before they are old enough, but I would not risk taking my son to a movie without seeing it first. Every parent has a different set of guidelines they follow when it comes to what they feel is appropriate. I don't think that watching a movie where the predominant theme is fighting is appropriate for a 7 year old. If I allowed him to see it, I know without a doubt that my 4 1/2 yr old would LOVE Transformers movie, and the GI Joe movie, I just think it's inappropriate. My best advice, go see the movie yourself first. OR, for a cheaper alternative, wait until it's on video and then you can rent it and decide for yourself if you think it's OK for him to watch.



answers from Wichita Falls on

My husband took our 8 year old on Saturday... they both LOVED it... even more than the new transformers. I asked him if it was inappropriate in any way and he said that there was only about 5-6 curse words and of course there is violence. Its a army movie for goodness sakes. But like I said my son loved it!!! He now wants a GI Joe back pack and birthday cake.... have to figure out how to do that one. LOL! Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Try looking at kidsinmind.com this movie review site gives you so much info about exactly what happens in a movie you'll be amazed. It has catagories like 'sex and nudity' and 'violence". in general,without sounding like i don't care if my kids see violence, i'm usually more concerened about the sex and nudity. though there are some movies that are just gross or scary to the extreme and this tells you. from "two teens hold hands" to worse. Believe me, I wish i'd look at it before I sent my kids to see Land of th lost but it's always best just to see the movie yourself before hand. I looked at the review and decided my daughter couldn't see transformers II but my husband saw it with our much younger son (who doesn't notice a thing like that (sex talk) and hubby said it wasn't as bad as you'd think. I may not have agreed but at least if I'd seen it first I'd know. anyway, that webpage is pretty detailed and worth a look.



answers from Dallas on

Here is a good review website that I always use.
http://www.pluggedinonline.com/movies/ It is always so good to help with the content!



answers from Dallas on

My husband and I saw it this weekend. It is, without a doubt, a "guy" movie. Lots of shooting and fighting stuff but nothing bloody or nasty. I think a 7 yr old would like it. It has some cool weapons (invisible suits, metal eating bugs, etc...) that a kid would like. The only thing that might be confusing is they flashback to 20 years earlier and then back to present day and then flashback to 4 years earlier and back to present day, but if you pay attention you can follow it. I think he would enjoy it and I say go and have a good time.



answers from Dallas on

We took our kids to see it on Friday. S*** is said several times and the movie is all action. The only completely gross thing that happened in the movie that I wish my 9 yr. old had not seen was when a mind controlled man was captured by the "Joes" they stuck needles into his brain in order to read his brain. The "bad" guys had a hidden camera on this man and could see what the "Joes" were doing so they activated these "nanobytes" that literally ate the man from the inside out so that the "Joes" couldn't find out any information. It was amazingly gross! My 14 yr. old daughter was bored through the whole movie.



answers from Dallas on

You can check out plugged in movie review. It tells about the movie and explains the violent, sexual content, profanity that are in movies. You can read about it and make the decision for yourself. Here is the link:



answers from Dallas on

We took our 9yr old son to see it. There was no sex, they said sh** about 3 or 4 times and GD once. There was a lot of violence, but it had a comic book feel to it.
My son LOVED the movie!

Hope that helps.



answers from Dallas on

heck, i'm barely letting my 12 yr old see it! no, not for under the 9 yr old range!

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