First and foremost I think you should do what feels right for you and your family. My son is 16 months and my daughter is 1 month old. When I was pregnant with my daughter I received negative comments about how close they were together from people whose children were at least 2 years apart, however, those who had children within 1 year to 18 months apart told me how wonderful it is. I won't lie, it is a handful and there are moments when it's just plain crazy but I think it would be crazy no matter how far apart they since children never stop needing mommy. I have been told by moms whose siblings that are close in age tend to get along better than those who are further apart and that they tend to be really good friends. I have also heard that the older one is less jealous because they haven't entered the selfish faze yet. My son loves his sister and I am glad they are close together. The advice I have for you is make sure you and your husband are ready mentally, physically, and emotionally for a second child and if you are both ready then why not?