I have lived in Texas for 30+ years and I have never seen a gecko either. Now that I said that, they will probably start coming around. :)
Help! Found a gecko in my house last night (so then I couldn't sleep ...lol). What can I do to get rid of them, any suggestions?
I have lived in Texas for 30+ years and I have never seen a gecko either. Now that I said that, they will probably start coming around. :)
Gecko's are awesome and very tame. He'll eat your flies and if you wait it out you will probably see him on a wall which will make it easy to catch and release him.
Gecko's are awesome and very tame. He'll eat your flies and if you wait it out you will probably see him on a wall which will make it easy to catch and release him.
We have the on the front porch & back porch. Occasionally I will see them in the bathroom. I know they look kind of weird but they are really good for you. They eat bugs & spiders so I just leave them alone. They don't harm anything. I kind of like stepping out at night and seeing them on the porches.
Awwww - they are harmless (we have a leopard gecko - my 6 year old loves him). There is no reason to be afraid of them - if you can, get a cup and trap it in with a piece of paper to let it out side (they are fast little buggers). That way you don't have to touch them if you don't like them! Better to try to let it outside than die :)
I am with KP I can't believe this is the first time your are seeing them. We get them in the house every once in a while but like others have said they are not harmful they are good. Most of ours stay outside though. We usually see them on the bathroom window so I named it Tom and Tombolina. I like them and will let them live in the house as long as they live. Usually they do get squashed eventually.
we love the geckos. they eat bugs and are completely harmless. they rarely come in the house... when they do, we just shoo them back outside.
We see them from time to time and they run in the door at night when i let the dogs out. UGH I hate them.
We don't have bug issues either but we do live in the woods practically. I do get rid of them.. use a broom to sweep them out, I've used the vac hose to suck it up and when one was in my sink I just washed it down the drain.
I can't stand the thought of them being in my house. This year we've seen more of them than ever for some reason.
They are harmless and it will most likely die in a day or so. You need to check around your house to see where it came in. Here in Florida they get under the screens and sneak in when you open the windows.
I learned, the hard way, that geckos in the house is one of the very first indicators of termites in your home. Call a termite specialist NOW. Then if all is OK, start looking for other causes. Geckos don't want to live with you unless there's an abundant food supply!
Don't worry about it. They are friendly, harmless, don't bite and eat bugs.
They are perfectly harmless, plus they eat nasty bugs. We have one that lives behind our front porch light. Only seen one or two in the house. Usually I get a cup and put them back out in the yard. I would rather have those then the ants!
And I thought you were going to talk about having one as a pet! ha!
I found this http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Common-House-Geckos
Maybe think about why it would come into your house. Do you have a problem with insects? Open doors or windows for them to come in? I can't imagine your house being warmer than outside right now... haha! They like warm, humid places.
I have lived in Texas all my life. Never saw a gecko until a neighbor who worked in a post office where they were infested started bringing them home to "eat bugs" at his house. Now they are all over our neighborhood. They do get in the house, usually when I open the door and one just happens to be there. I catch them in a container and put them back out as they are harmless and they do eat a variety of insects. However - reptiles carry salmonella and I don't want them crawling on things in my home.