Pay VERY close attention to her hip position. Make SURE she is in proper alignment. If the pelvic position is compromised, so are the organs, etc. within it. Makes PERFECT SENSE! The body's immune system is largely in the intestine, so keeping her immune system up is VITAL. This ALSO makes sense due to the fact that the body utilizes the bowel to get rid of waste that certainly can be toxic to the body.
I'd get the book THE DETOX DIET. Not necessarily to detox, but rather to understand the details of how the bowels function. Easy to understand and well written. On top of that, acquire a copy of PRESCRIPTION FOR NUTRITIONAL HEALING by Balch. You will understand what nutrients are the cause of the Chron's. You need to understand what foods, etc. make it worse and what things help. EDUCATE EDUCATE EDUCATE YOURSELF. You'll both be glad you did!! AND......I've be VERY surprised if you don't find that you are able to heal the body naturally WITHOUT a feeding tube!! Doctors may tell you otherwise. HOWEVER.....I've "proven" doctors wrong so many times, I don't even know where to begin.
The human body has an AMAZING capacity to heal itself IF given the proper stimulus, which may very well include specific nutrient. Certain nutrients trigger other action/reactions in the body. If you don't have them....things aren't optimally functioning if at all.
Get on a GOOD, HIGH ANTIOXIDANT multi (NOT and I repeat NOT something over the counter) Most over the counter vitamins are the MINIMUM your body requires and the bioavailable sources are poor (the ability your body has to absorb the nutrient) THEREFORE.......get something that is optimal levels w/out being toxic and top of the line bioavailable sources. My pick....PHARMANEX. I've been on them for about 16 years. I've gone off them, tried other things and ALWAYS come back. VERY high quality and a first rate company.
Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. I'd ALSO recommend you visit the MXICORP website. Many people have overcome intestinal problems being on this product. It's phenominal AND tastes FABULOUS!!! Hope that helps.
A feeding tube will NOT foster the body healing itself! Besides......she's so young. Do you want her to have to deal with a tube the rest of her life? Rather, learn to handle it naturally. Her quality of life will be MUCH greater!!