I had the same questions when I had my gallbladder removed back in 1998. From my past experience it took time. The first couple months, I had the gassy and fast bm's along with the heartburn that occurs after I ate some foods that didn't agree with my stomach, nothing bad that would send me to the the hospital. Usually, gas x worked great.
After a few months, I was fine. Ate the same foods as I did before I started noticing problems. I am the type of person, that would try to eat something and if it didn't settle well, I would try eating it again after a few weeks. For example, I only had one salad dressing that I could eat while I was pregnant and passing gallstones. Because of this, I would carry my own bottle in my purse to restaurants, I was very afraid that their brand would send me to the hospital for pain meds. After surgery, I slowly would try other brands of the same type or a different kind until I was okay to eat it. I hope this information has helped you.