I get so frustrated with this topic so bear with me please.
Babies need their formula the first year. Cut her food intake back so that she will be getting the nutrients she needs. You are feeding her way too much food if she is not taking bottles at 7 months....why is she having to eat so much? To make up for the lack of nutrition she is being served.
Baby food has ALMOST NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE. Nearly none. That is straight from the horses mouth. They told me this when I called to ask about some stage 3 food that a friend gave me that was out of date by a couple of weeks. I can't remember if it was Gerber or Del Monte that I called but they told me the information. They said if parents understood the purpose of baby food they would not buy it until the kids were closer to being transitioned to whole milk.
Also, as soon as that food goes into the little jar it starts loosing it's nutritional values due to light, air, temperature, etc...it retains nothing of it's original food after a couple of weeks, it becomes flavored goo with nothing in it to sustain the child. They feel full but their body is starving.
They said it has very minimal nutrition to it because it is to be used to teach babies to chew and swallow so they can eat regular food when they get weaned.
Their nutrition is supposed to come from their formula or breast milk. They need super high concentrations of nutrients that they get from those. Baby food does not have any of those in them.
So if she is a "good eater" is might be because she is not getting enough nutrition and is starving for nutrients. Lower her intake of food and make her take more formula. She needs nutrition.