I am a veterinarian and my advice has always been as follows:
1. Frontline, Advantage (fleas only), Advantix (fleas and ticks), Revolution (fleas and heartworm). No over-the-counter products. I don't just say that because I am a vet, I've seen horrible reactions to products that well-intentioned owners purchased at Walmart, etc. Apply every month for several months in a row (year-round if live down south). Make sure you are applying it correctly - it needs direct contact on the skin, it cannot pool up on the fur. Do not bathe the pets 48 hours before or after applying - I've seen failure stem from owners bathing the pets, then applying right away. If you happen to have cats, make sure they are getting treated as well - all dogs and cats in the home need to be treated, not just the outdoor ones. Just don't put a product intended for dogs on a cat - it can be toxic (especially Advantix - it is a dog-only product).
2. Call a professional exterminator. If you are having that much of a problem, I am not a fan of DIY flea bombs and sprays. They should guarantee their work and re-treat if necessary at no additional cost. Have them treat inside as well as outside.
3. If there is any pet bedding, blankets, etc that you can toss, do it.
4. Vacuum with a flea collar in the vacuum bag, then toss the bag (and the only place flea collars belong is in a vacuum bag, not on a pet!)
5.. Please do not get rid of your dogs because you are frustrated with a flea problem - that's not fair to them. You've had them all their lives (I assume) and they don't know any other home than yours. They love you unconditionally and deserve to get taken care of to the best of your ability. Not trying to sound harsh here, but too many people get rid of their pets (give them up or have them euthanized) for the wrong reasons and it's something that I have to face on an almost daily basis.