I'm impulsive, emotionally driven, a hedonist, and very very pragmatic.
So if there's anything I reeeeally reaaaally want that's permanent (from marriage to tattoos to divorce to to a child)...I make myself wait for a year. (Ahem, and for ME, that means NOT planning or implementing during that period. I can research...but not plan.)
What's a year in the term of a lifetime? A very very long time. ::Sigh:: if you're as impatient as I am.
At the end of the year I reassess. Do I still what X that badly? What are my motivations for it? How will it affect a/b/c? If I decide to go for it then I can start saving and planning...but I keep myself open to the idea that I may change my mind.
For ME that time to think is precious. (And irritating.) While I regret many of the smaller decisions that I've made...the one's where I have given myself time to know my own heart...make me very very solid in those decisions.
When I'm solid in my decisions I find that
a) I'm better able to recognize mistakes and fix them (because I'm not defensive)
b) Able to stand up to naysayers without getting angry
c) Far Far happier.
Does everyone need to wait a year? No. Some may need to wait 2, some may need 6 months, and some people have such strong personalities that they're able to decide and be strong/flexible in any decision that they make almost immediately. They never get angry when people question them or tell them that they're wrong. Me? I DO get upset, unless I've given myself the time I need.
You sound confused, angry, and a bit sad. Which is not *usually* the best place to be when making life altering choices. So from my experience I would say wait. Give yourself permission to seriously consider it. It may be the best decision of your life, it may barely register as a blip on your radar.
You'll make the right choice...because it will be the right choice for YOU.