I always tried to live on the ground / above the garage first floor units... Even BEFORE kids (because I like to hop/skip/slide/dance/whoops but it/ where's my???/fumble clatter to the floor/ high heel Ginger Rogers/ rug burns on knees / cartwheel/ etc. around my home. Aka. I'm noisy. REALLY noisy. So I WANT that couple feet of cement under me making me silent and graceful (snort) or at least sounding that way.
Which ALSO means I've always been picky about my apts. Including insisting that the realtor / manager go upstairs and tap dance & slam a few doors before I sign.
I can't really wrap my head around people who choose to live on an 'under' floor without making sure that the upper levels are sound deadened to their needs.
I didn't, once. Ever see the friend episode where their downstairs neighbor dies? Come to find he left everything to then, because he knew EVERYTHING about them. Sock footed quiet walking sounded like elephants. Whispered conversations were clear as day. Normal walking/talking/sex/etc.? Forgeddabowdit. Dolby Surround Soubd.
I LIVED in that apt ONCE. It was AWFUL. My first neighbor was a workaholic anorexic barely home and when did was silent. My next neighbors were normal. Which meant it was IMPOSSIBLE. And when the 2yo ran across the living room my light fixture not only shook and swank, but. Broke. Off. And. Shattered. They weren't loud people. I just hadn't done my due diligence. It was my fault for renting a crappola insulated apt.
So I went to management, and tested a different set that was FINE (apparently the unit above me had been skipped when the Durasom was laid). LOL... Management DID check my apt., and was floored at how 'Next to a subway' it sounded. They couldn't rip out the floors upstairs to insulate for sound... But the DID move me free of charge and DID rent it to a little old lady who could turn her hearing aids off.
Point being:
1) It's his own durn fault
2) if its a condo you OWN... If it bothers you so much, pull up the floors and lay down a double layer of Durasom. If its too expensive, then you know other people's bad choices don't REALLY bother you so much :)