My 6 year old nephew has limped his whole life. But it was off and on and his parents kind of thought he was just doing it for attention. But this last year he was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis. He saw many specialists and had a lot of tests done. He has had to have daily injections/shots and has seen doctors quite often. I guess they have totally gotten it under control.They are not sure how long they will have to continue the shots but it may end this summer.
On a side note, everyone thought he was ignoring them when he would not do as he said. 2 summers ago I was whispering to him bc I was holding my sleeping baby and was trying to be quiet. I noticed he really cold not hear me and kept saying what and had to move closer and closer. I mentioned to his parents that it seems like he has some kind of hearing loss. When they did all these tests they also tested his ears bc of this and it turns out he had a genetic hearing defect that they got fixed with surgery. Poor kid! Everyone thought he was faking limping (he was NOT a good communicator till recently) and everyone thought he was ignoring them on purpose. In their defense he can be a difficult kid.