Um, a husband who makes or even allows his wife to sleep on the couch is a crappy husband and not much of a man! That will stop immediately.
Sounds like he's being childish. "Are you going to stop being mean to me?" Sounds like something my children would say to me. He wants control, and I'd be the one NOT to give it to him.
Write down a list of everything you do in a day and have him do the same. Let's see whose list stacks up when it comes to the home life. How many nights a week does he cook? Does the dishes after dinner? Bathes the children? Start quizzing him about what the kids do in school and see how much he really knows. Does he even know the names of the kids teachers? How about activities? Ask him what he knows about that. Who sits down and pays the bills? (not who earns the money) If he thinks you do so little it may be time to stop doing things around the house and let things go so he can see just what gets done by you! (cook only for you and the children, make only your side of the bed, etc) I've done it and have known a hundred other wives who have done it too! Stop doing his laundry and when he complains just say, "Oh, that's right. I don't do enough around here. Sorry." and walk away.
If he wants to play games, play it to the hilt! When it finally sinks in maybe then he'll be willing to sit down and have an adult conversation. Sometimes you have to lower yourself to his childish level for him to realize he's a moronic boob.
K. B
mom to 5 including triplets