Do You Have One? Do You like It?

Updated on October 29, 2011
S.H. asks from Troy, TX
10 answers

I want to get my daughter a tablet pc thing. I know nothing about them at all. I am not looking to buy an ipad as she is only 12 and I dont want to spend that kind of money. I have seen several for under $200 and some even around $100. I realize you get what you pay for so Im not looking for it to do as much as the ipad. I would like it to be able to surf the internet, have an e-reader, check e-mail, use youtube,facebook etc and be decent quality. Has anyone purchased an inexpensive tablet that they like? What do you like or not like about it? How much was it ? Where was it purchased? Thanks.

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answers from College Station on

If you are not going to spring for an iPad (and I totally agree with you on that one) then go for the new Amazon Fire. It does just about everything an iPad does at $199.
Kindles have a great track record and I expect this to be nothing less.

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answers from Washington DC on

I own a NOOK color which I love to death (although I think they are a little over your budget right now at $249). I like that it is touch screen and that I can do things like download books, surf the internet etc. What I don't like about it is that every now and then (not often) it will freeze up and I will have to restart it. All in all I'm really happy that I got it. I use it all of the time. I purchased mine from Barnes and Noble, but you may be able to purchase a factory refurbished one much cheaper, if you don't mind the fact that it isn't brand new.

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answers from Provo on

Ipod touch ALL the way. It's smaller and easier to carry, all the internet, books, movies, facebook, you could want on it :D
I have one for my 2 year old son (It's my old one, so I didn't buy it just for him. I know some mom's are against toddlers having devices) the we only use when he's in the car and fussy. It's perfect!
Oh and the new ones have camera's. Not sure if tablets have camera's or not.

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answers from Raleigh on

You may want to look into Nook Color. You can get a preowned certified used one from Barnes and Noble online for about $150. Also, the Apple iPod touch might work for you, too. The screen is smaller, but it's a really sweet device. I am not really sure on pricing as they differ. Most start at around $200 and can get quite pricey.
Both do all the things you mentioned. The iPod touch supports video recording where the Nook does not. However, the rest of the things you mentioned are supported by both. The Nook has a nice bonus that allows you to share ebooks with friends that have a Nook, too. Also our library allows the lending of ebooks with Nook users. Friends of mine that have them love them.
Hope this helps!

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answers from Augusta on

I also have a Nook Color that I LOVE.
The freeze up thing usually happens when they are about to send out an OS update.
LOVE , LOVE , LOVE my nook color. it's technically an " e-reader" but it has the functionality of a tablet. I've got several games on it and it has things like a word type app available. I check email , surf the internet, etc. It has flash , I check the weather with mine everymorning from my bed. it was $250. The Nook Color 2 is going to come out soon , so the nook color price will likely go down.

ETA : if you do what Kiki suggests you will void the warranty on the Nook Color. It's called Rooting it. and if you screw it up by or after rooting it you can't get it fixed.

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answers from Phoenix on

You can get a Nook & convert it into an Android tablet, as well. Much cheaper than an Ipad, and almost as good.


answers from San Antonio on

I have a Vizio which I love so much! I can play games, get on YouTube, Facebook...I use it mainly for my recipes.

I paid just over $200 and bought it at Sam's Club.


answers from San Diego on

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, my Kyro Coby 8024, 176 dollars through Ebay. It's awesome.



answers from Chicago on

I've read really good reviews on the Kindle Fire that will be out soon. The only thing with the Kindle is that it only has wireless, it doesn't have 3G or 4G access, which may be problem depending on how she intents to use it.



answers from Houston on

I got my daughter a Galaxy 7 inch tablet fro Verizon. She loves it and their are plenty of educational apps as that are free and quite a few that I have been more than willing to pay for. I was going to buy a used one from Verizon online but when I called my local store regarding used tablets they said they did not have any, but would give me a deal on the store. Gave me $50 off. I also love using the tablet. Have to pay for a minimum of 1 gb monthly, but we normally use our unlimited of we get close to the 1 gb.

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