Disposable Diaper Brands....

Updated on June 12, 2008
M.S. asks from Oklahoma City, OK
6 answers

After becoming a stay at home mom, there are days that $$$ is a bit tighter than others and I am always trying to find ways to save a little bit, although I will never sacrifice quality because in the end there are no savings when you do so.
I have always prefered Huggies brand diapers and Luvs are also very good. I tried the Playschool brand and the Walmart ones and they are OK but not my favorite. I havent tried the White Cloud (also from Walmart) nor the Member's Mark (from Sam's). Have anyoene tried them...? Any Opinions?
I like Luvs and they save me a bit, although I do get Huggies when I find a good price=)
I have seen the biodegradable ones when I go to get a few organic products at the health store and I realy wish I could afford them. I can't really do the cloth ones either (for now).

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I have personally never tried White Cloud or Member's Mark but I have a friend that received some she called Sam's brand from someone (so I think they would be the Member's Mark brand?). She said they were not good at all. Huggies were my favorite too.



answers from Oklahoma City on

Hey M.,
We are big believers in the White Clouds as well. We have had alot less leaks with these, than with the more expensive brands. Hope that helps!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I have used the White Cloud brand pull ups and have had no problems at all. For the price you cannot beat it!!! I also love to use CVS brand diapers, if you get a CVS card the sales are even better. ( the card is free ) I actually think I like the CVS brand better than Luvs. Hope this helps!



answers from Oklahoma City on

I prefer the White Cloud at Walmart, they hold up better then the other Walmart brand (Parents Choice), and we can afford those better since we can't afford the Huggies. But sometimes Walmart has better prices on Huggies which I love!
When I can get to Target I prefer to buy theirs because their pricing and quality is better on their lowest priced diapers.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I am completely sold on the Target brand diapers. They are cheaper than Sam's or Walmart and I love them. I used them on my 3 year old until he started wearing underpants and now use them on my 4 month old and have since he was born. I'm a believer, for sure!! Hope that helps!! Oh, and I don't know where you're located, but I'd be interested in a playgroup, too. I'm in NW Oklahoma City, and my email is ____@____.com




answers from Oklahoma City on

i have switched to the seventh generation, but they are a little pricey. we had good luck with the albertsons store brand and also the CVS store brand

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