I think you are doing great that at that age she wants to try the potty. It is not unusual for them to be afraid to do #2 on the potty. At her age, I, myself. Would not push it. She os yoing yet. If she were closer to four, I would have some concerns about it. At this point, it is experimental to her. As far as changing the diaper, mom, you are in charge and need to assert that. At the same time, explain that it smells bad, not good for her to sit in it and she doesn't want a bottom that hurts. She may be afraid that you are going to push the potty thing so tjis is her way of asserting independence. They all test us in way or another, but this is where, you as mom, can take control and just do. She will be fine and it will all be good. From a mom, with two out of diapers, I miss those days! I know it is a struggle to change her, but there are ways for you to do that without the power struggle. She kust needs to know, you are in charge. She thinks now that she is controlling that situation a bit.