Try the "clinical" ones that you apply at night. I switched over last summer and haven't looked back! Because you put them on at night, they absorb and you don't get the white flakes. They are also very good at what they do!
I don't like sticky deodorant/anti perspirant. Is there one that is effective, won't rub off on my tanks and isn't sticky?? The invisible solid that I have is NOT invisible!
Thanks ladies!! I will definitely give the clinical strength a try. Tori, thanks for the info on the wipes, too.
Try the "clinical" ones that you apply at night. I switched over last summer and haven't looked back! Because you put them on at night, they absorb and you don't get the white flakes. They are also very good at what they do!
I haven't found one, but I will tell you that Mac Cosmetics make-up wipes take those marks off your clothes really well! Others might too, but I read an article in Cosmo years ago about it and have been buying them every since. They actually take off all kinds of make-up really well too so I don't buy them just for my deodorant stained clothing! ;)
The clear ones and also the ones you put on at night.
I use Secret clinical, when you follow the directions, which is shower at night and then use the deodorant.. It works great, no streaks the next day.
100% with Laurie A... Secret Clinical Strength for sensitive skin is my fav. I even use it in the morning, let my pits dry, they get dressed... you'll never see it :)
I use mitchem unscented gel... and wear black tanktops the vast majority of the time (I know, I'm boring, but I own 11 at last count).
I personally love all Dove products and their invisible solid works great for me & is never on my clothes. I specifically use the clincal strength and the directions on it actually tell you to put it on before bed (rather than in the am) but I am not sure that makes a difference. Hope this helps!
I have found that if I put the clinical deodorant on in the morning and then wait a few minutes to put my top on, I don't have problems. I usually make sure I'm completely dry after my shower, put on my deodorant, than do my hair, makeup, and brush my teeth and then get dressed.
I've never found one....I use Deodorant Spray, I just let it dry for 5 to 10 seconds.
"Regular" deodorants have stuff in them to mask odors.
"Regular" antiperspirants have stuff in them to stop perspiration.
Neither are 'good' for you or your skin.
I have used a deodorant stone for YEARS and have never had a problem. It is wonderful!! It feels like nothing, smells like nothing, and works like everything! It leaves absolutely NO residue. They are all natural and contain no aluminum. It works by preventing body odor - before it begins. (http://www.deodorantstones.com/ or http://www.thecrystal.com/) OH! And another benefit is that it lasts and LASTS!! I had one stone last 23 MONTHS!
I agree that deoderants are bad BUT I can't find a "natural" one that works either. The stones and 8 other "natural/aluminum free" ones did NOTHING but make me stink in an hour or two. So...I am back to normal deoderants. I used to only use Degree but recently switched to Lady Speed Stick and on the top it has a black tank and says something like "made to wear w/black" or something. I have had no issues with it and really like the powder scent. I can't use the clinical one for some reason, it really burns. Good luck finding one that works!!