Hi A.,
I had a problem with two of my boys when they were between a year and 18 months that is similar to your little ones problem. While they didn't loose weight, they didn't gain at a normal rate, either. With our oldest son, we simply added whole milk and pediasure to his diet to stimulate his appetite, which worked. He also has a speech disorder which we discovered at age 3, called Apraxia, where the brain and the mouth don't work together. I will say first that kids with this are very treatable! (He's doing great, now; reads on a 4th grade level in the 3rd grade and no longer requires speech therapy.)He wasn't able to talk and was extremely picky with foods. His mouth muscles, including the cheeks, were weak, so while he seemed to be eating enough because he stopped eating, he actually was tired from eating! With our second son, he had the low muscle tone in the mouth as well, but not the apaxia. He would stuff food into his mouth but not swallow! At 18 months I was still breastfeeding him and was told to keep it up since it was so beneficial. The breastfeeding was not an issue. Like his brother, his weight fell off the chart at the pediatrician's office. He was diagnosed by a speech and oral motor therapist, not the pediatrician, though she was going to refer me to a therapist if I hadn't already. Once these issues were addressed, both saw their weights climb. No one else saw this problem except the therapist! I don't know anything about these meds she is on; keep digging for information! You are doing as much as you can, and don't despair. There is a solution out there.