My 3yo has an indoor trampoline.
We all LOVE it! She got it from my dad for Christmas, and she has jumped on it for at least 30 minutes every. single. day. since then. It's especially nice for that last burst of energy before bed... I usually tell her that it's her last chance to jump for the day about 1/2 hour before we start our bedtime routine.
Ours is one of the bigger indoor ones... It takes up about half of her playroom, and is enclosed with a net. Before we got it, we just used her old crib mattress and made an enclosure for it with PVC pipe. Lol.
Jump ropes are good. My Dd doesn't quite have the coordination to use it right, but she has fun trying!
Use painters tape to make hopscotch, circles, etc. and let him hop around in them.
Another great one I found on Pinterest is to tape cheap paper streamers to he hallway, to make a "laser maze" to navigate through.