I too am very interested in this issue, as I am 33 weeks pregnant with #2. I just went to an appointment for my son with his Naturopathic pediatrician, who also does womens care. We spent almost the whole time talking about me (being pregnant) and H1N1. We have only done one series of vaccines for my son, after MUCH research and discussion with his ped, who is extremely vaccine-conservative. So, I'm with you - very anti-vaccine and more concerned about the neurotoxins used as preservatives and the side effects from many of the vaccines.
I had absolutely NO intention of getting the H1N1 vaccine. That said, the ped did recommend the vaccine for me, which honestly, I was shocked to hear her say. Now, I am at a bit of a higher risk having a child in day care, I take public transit to and from work, I work in an office of 75 people in downtown Seattle, am prone to asthma/bronchitis during respiratory illness, and I am pregnant in my last trimester. We discussed this and she felt if I was a SAHM then we would be having a different conversation. She has told me after her extensive and daily research that there is NO thimerosol, no formaldehyde, no squalene in the vaccine that she is getting - this may not be so for all distributors. But, since she is a naturopath, she hand selects the 'brands' she receives and I do trust and value her opinion very much. I plan on reading the insert for further consideration. The whole thing though does make sick to my stomach to think about. Either way, there is a risk for me - if I get it, or if I don't.
I am also going for a VBAC and don't want anything to interfere with that, such as coming down with H1N1 right before labor. Additionally, she mentioned that the baby will be getting antibodies from me too which will be important. So, anyways, I am not sure what I will decide, but wanted to share (with you and other readers) the info that SOME of the H1N1 vaccines will NOT have the nasty preservatives. [Note: the nasal mist is NOT recommended for pregnant women.]
So, here's what my naturo-ped said about prevention, for me and my 2.5 year old son:
* 10 billion organisms probiotic daily
* Vitamin D supplements daily (2000 I.U.)
* Vitamin C (I think she recommended 500 mg 3x/day or maybe even 1000 mg 3x/day)
* Handwashing and good hygiene
I'm not too worried about it but do have lots of things to consider. It's a tough situation for us pregnant gals right now...