Bummer. I love neosporin to the point where one of my ex-boyfriends accused me of thinking that neosporin could bring world peace. However, neosporin and other oily substances trap heat inside of fresh burns. Next time, you shouldn't use it with a burn. That being said, I burned my finger when the sauce and cheese came off ofmy pizza slice and draped over my finger when I was in college. Even in the absence of neosporin, I got one heck of a blister. The doc put some type of colloidial (sp?) silver cream on it and wrapped it in gauze. The main issue, as I understood it, is that you risk infection if and when the blister breaks (then go for the neosporin!). I would call the pediatrician to get advice. Definitely call if the blister pops, which I'm guessing it will with a toddler. The Tylenol sounds like a good idea, too. Burns really do hurt. Try to keep both warm and very cold items away from the burn as they can cause further damage. I do think you should speak with a doc or advice nurse just because of the potential infection risk if/when the blister pops. My finger is completely fine, and I'm sure your son's will be, too. Btw, most husbands just do stuff like that. They seem to have issues anticipating potential hazards, at least compared to moms. So frustrating! I hope your son feels better soon!