I was in 6th grade when I got mine - my Grandfahter and Uncle are dentist/orthodontists, and my mom and aunt are Hygenists...I was 11. I had them for a little over 3 years, including expanders and head gear as well. I got them off the day before my freshman in High school pictures ( helps to have connections). I think all my permanent teeth were in , including the beginning sof wisdom teeth, when I first got my actual braces. BUT I had expanders (a retainer that snaps into the top or bottoem of your mouth, and has a screw in the middle that you crank once a week, to literally expand your bone structure/jaw) of all different sorts from the age of 3 on up to Highschool - I had a very bad cross bite, and big teeth in a little mouth, so they did it gradually over a long period of time, to avoid having to pull any teeth to "make room".
I am very glad I had braces, my Husband didn't, and his teeth are very crooked, his parents let HIM decide if he wanted them or not at age 12...not a good plan - now he is very self concious, and rarely every smiles with his teeth showing.
All that said, I think having an appointment with an orthodontist now for evaluations is a good idea - he will tell you when is the right time, and what will be needed, and you can probably get a cost idea for the whole thing, so you can plan/save for it.
I was very lucky to have it in the family, mine were free!