so sorry for what you're going through - my mom and i just discussed this weekend how "high maintenance" my two year old is - i feel like i am CONSTANTLY on him, too. some kids just need a lot more guidance than others. i wanted to tell you what a great job it sounds like you're doing, i like your method. i hope you tell him when he says he's mean that he's not mean, he just does mean things sometimes! poor kid. obviously he feels bad about it, he just can't control himself. with mine, i can tell if my method of discipline is working - when i put him in timeout, he makes it VERY clear that it's "getting to him". i think that's the key - speak HIS language. if he doesn't care about sitting in his room for two minutes, maybe find a better spot - somewhere that he can view the activity, his sisters playing or whatever, but can't be in the middle of it. maybe he'd feel it more. i put my son in the corner of the livingroom. he can see his toys, and almost see the tv, but he can't partake. he hates it. maybe that would help. also, you didn't mention your response when he acted out at the park. timeouts should happen no matter where you are, otherwise they lose some effectiveness. maybe you did it, but i would have sat him down near or on the bench and made him do his timeout while watching the other kids playing. i wish there was an easy answer but it sounds like you're on the right track. just stay consistent and firm. he'll get it! it's usually the ornerier ones that are too smart for their own good. if you guide him consistently it'll pay off in the long run and he'll be a successful adult. try to be grateful for his um....energy! one thing i've learned with my son is that he may be very "high maintenance", but it's never boring! there's a rhyme i tell myself to keep my cool, it makes me smile - "when he was good he was very, very good, and when he was bad he was horrid!" it's part of an old nursery rhyme. anyway...GOOD LUCK. hope it gets better.