Hello, I will answer your questions the best I can, mostly for my 4.5 yo dd, and I'll also try to answer for my 19month old ds.
1. No timeouts. I do however do "time in" or "time away". Usually when my dd is acting up she has an underlying issue that needs to be addressed, so I take her somewhere quiet and sit with her til she calms down and we talk and try to figure out a solution. Sometimes she will prefer to be alone and I will honor that, which has only been in more recent months. But if I were to put her in her room alone when she didn't want to be she would totally freak out and her behavior would be even more out of control, she is a very spirited and touchy girl. She needs to know that I'll always be there for her no matter what. For my 19m ds, I have had no reason to do a timeout. If he hits or whatever, I redirect.
2. I'd say I'm consistent. Occasionally I'll have a knee jerk reaction and raise my voice or whatever, but I apologize and I think it shows them (and reminds me) that no one is perfect and it is an opportunity to show them what to do when you've messed up.
3. We are mostly in agreement. It's taken some time to get there though ;) If we dissagree we try to wait til the kids are in bed to talk about it. However, if one of us is starting to yell or threaten, the other one is supposed to come in and "take over" so the original parent can take a "time away" :)
4. Yes, we allow TV, there is no typical day though. Some days there is more tv than others. Somedays it isn't even turned on, but we listen to music instead. My ds is not interested in TV really at all. If I want the TV off and they want to watch, I try to be prepared to suggest and participate in activities.
5. Positive Reinforcement. Hmmm, this one is tricky. I don't believe in rewards or punishments. But, I will acknowledge an acheivement, or point out how their actions are affecting others. I want my kids to do things for their own satisfaction, not to "please mom" or in fear of a punishment. When they share, I may point out "hey, look at how happy Charlie is now that you shared your crayons!" I hardly ever say "good job" or "good girl/boy". I have some articles that explain the "why's" of this, better than I can. If anyone is interested, send me a message.
6. Sure we rough house. We scream, we run, we laugh, we sing, we wrestle, etc. Kids are kids, play is how they learn. However, I don't "allow" it at inappropriate times, if I explain that now isn't a good time for it, they understand. But they know that there will be a good time. Heck just yesterday we were having a screaming contest with my 19mo ds :). It was great fun and we were all on the floor non stop giggling by the time we were done. Not sure what the neighbors thought about it though LOL! But I don't care ;)
Adding, I do my best to not say "no". If there is a request that I cannot honor I think of a way to say "yes". "Sure honey, you can have some cookies, help me make some lunch here then after we eat we'll eat some together." "jumping on the couch is dangerous, let's pile the couch cushions on the floor and jump there." etc.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea, if you want more elaboration on anything, feel free to send me a message.