We experienced the SAME situation with our son... (who is now 16 yrs. old.) I asked every person I could, anywhere I could, for any advice they would give me,(including our regular pediatrician) all with no solution. :O(
We happened to get an alternate pediatrictian at an appt.(by the Grace of God! Because I was at my wit's end and DESPERATE for an answer!! The situation was only getting worse.)
The Dr's. answer became our solution:
She instructed us to put Vinegar on his tongue each time he bit and say "NO BITE!" each time he bit. In 3 Days he quit biting!
********************* Yay!! Happy Dance!!! ****************
1. Everyone who takes care of your child MUST do this EACH TIME, EVERY TIME the biting occurs. Be Consistent!!
2. If you are going to be away from your home, plan ahead and put some vinegar on a paper towel in a zip-loc type bag.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar, I have been told, tastes worse. We used White Vinegar.
4. When I asked the Pedi "Won't that HURT him??" She replied "No, it is a food item. It is harmless to him."
After 3 days, it appeared that our son would bite no more (and we were breathing HUGE SIGHS of relief. WHEW!) He bit one more time on about the 6 day (I again applied the vinegar, on the paper towel, saying "NO BITE!") Then, about the 10th day, he bit for the last and final time. We again applied the vinegar. (According to the pedi and other sources, our son was just "testing" on those 6th & 10th days to "see if that rule is still in place.") Tee.. Hee... I guess I passed his testing. :O)
V., hang in there. THIS WORKS!
By the way... as our (4) children grew older, we used the same vinegar if they said things that were "nasty" (in much the same way OUR mom's used the "wash their mouth out with soap method" WE used the vinegar for foul words.) It sure cut those lessons SHORT! To this day, we still have no problems with that sort of language. :o)
I hope this helps. Please keep me posted.