HI L.,
When my husband and I bought the toddler bike seats we got the ones that were a bit larger and sorta cacoon shaped and they mounted on the back of the bike. The cacoon shape helps protect the child better incase of a fall which did happen and did work like it was supposed too. I've never tried the ones that mount on the front but I can see that being a problem, at least for me, to steer and see. We also made a point to make sure the kids could sit in the seat and be able to wear their helmets still. When it came to brand or price we just went to Walmart and got what they had. We live in a small town and don't have alot of shopping options. I hope I've helped you out. We are very happy with the seats we got and we still use them 6-7 years later, they've held up. Have fun with your shopping.
C. C.