sciencebob.com really great overall site
sciencekids.co.nz a lot of interesting sfull
stevespanglerscience.com has experiments and you can also buy supplies if needed.
Can folks recommend a good web site for science projects?
I am looking for a site that provides regular ideas for science projects.
My son is 6.
sciencebob.com really great overall site
sciencekids.co.nz a lot of interesting sfull
stevespanglerscience.com has experiments and you can also buy supplies if needed.
Google Young Scientists' Club. They have science project ideas and science kits that you can buy. We have been getting the Magic School Bus kits and love them!
My daughter just had her third grade science fair and we used education.com. They have a lot of great project ideas and you can filter them by grade and or subject.
We do Science Sundays. We have a 52 deck amazing science experiment cards. We also like potato chip science and sometimes we just do our own thing. There simple and easy to understand and the usually are done with things around the house. My kids learned about convection, light filtering, sprouting beans and today it was about thrust, drag & weight.
Here's a website that may also work http://www.education.com/activity/preschool/science/